Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Soneda-san gave me my first official Japanese class today! I'm very excited - previously I've just been learning hiragana and picking up phrases from my peers. I really appreciate Soneda-san's style: she teaches Japanese in Japanese. It keeps me on my toes.

I had coffee at a Starbucks near the Chiba train station today. I don't normally frequent Starbucks in the US, but today it reminded me a little of the Pacific Northwest. Except I don't remember Starbucks providing complimentary ashtrays in Seattle. And there's also a towering, hot pink Christmas tree covered with strobe lights.


Anonymous said...

We are praying for you and miss you! Can't wait to debrief you over Christmas. Grace to you!
Matt, Doris, Gretchen and Heidi

Charles said...

... but I'm sure the tree is in very good taste...
It's Japan, after all!