Yokohama and Chiba college outreach teams arose with the sun Wednesday morning. They headed north - by van or by train - to Nagano prefecture for a three day snow camp. I entrusted my life – what choice did I have? - to Nagata's ancient Toyota mini-van for the four hour trip. In my car were Yuko, Hajime, Nagata, and myself. None of them spoke fluent English, so I thrust my beginner Japanese on the lot of them.
Me: Where are we going?
Nagata: We are going to Nagano.
Me: What are we going to do?
Yuko: We are going to ski.
Me: Is that so? How many children do you have? (etc, etc)
The Japanese countryside was very beautiful, even through a dirty van window. It's interesting how a few places in Japan, like Tokyo and Nagoya, can be so crowded, while vast stretches of green in other parts of the country only boast a few houses and farms. Location, location, location.
I get carsick in Japanese vans, I'm not sure why.
Snow Camp was a very memorable experience. I was the only person there who spoke fluent English. This proved initially frustrating, but by the end I felt exhilarated because of all the Japanese I had learned. The ski resort didn't have snowboard boots in my size (they stopped about 7 cm shorter) so I tried skis for the first time. By the end of the day I was poling my way around with relative ease, although I wished I had learned more Japanese curse words when I attempted a mogul run.
Here is a picture of Shinya leading worship in the evening. Next is a snapshot of the group before we went our separate ways. I made a lot of friends that week, had many interesting conversations with people even with my limited vocabulary.

hey Peter! it was great hanging out with you this past weekend! you really don't know how much you were a blessing.. cause I really didn't want to be in Japan whatsoever cause I knew I wasn't going to know anyone and I was going to be gone for spring break when I could have done tons of stuff with my friends.. so thanks a lot for befriending me and my brother! I hope you enjoyed ur day off! my blog thingy is this www.xanga.com/bball_kat have a wonderful day... later!
oh and something else that you might be interested in. is if you are looking for a job this summer the camp that I am working at really needs some male counslors. it would be from May 28th til July 15. here is their web address for info or just looking at. www.twinlakescamp.org . the camp runs for 6 weeks and with 1 week of training. its in MS. so yeah just something you could look at if you are interested. later
you will now won't get ride of me.. wahh ahh.. < evil laugh... we are skiing today... right now is lunch break.. soo of course I get online.. lol.. anyways thanks for the comment. saddly enough so far all I have been having is chili and some sort of mexican saled and other stuff.. its quite disspointing.. I come half way across the world and eat mexican... oh well.. oh its time to go ski some more.. later
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