The woodwork here is truly amazing. The carvings under the eaves look like a complicated jenga tower to me.

Prayer cards, 700yen.

This prayer card is asking for good fortune in upcoming college test results (Ayumu).

My postcard to you, my readers. A massive 700-year old metal buddha, or daibutsu. He looks a little irritated from this angle. Maybe a 350-year old itch he hasn't been able to scratch?
hehehe the postcard is awesome!!! where did you see all of these ? hope you have a great day!
Congrats on getting in at G-town!
how's DC, peter, hope your having fun!(and got a place to stay.)
Hi Peter! It was very nice to see you at the wedding;)
hey Peter !!! wuzup??? hows teaching at the mission school and the english classes going? been having any fun lately? seen any movies lately? I got to see Ice Age 2 this week with some friends .. its really funny.. anyways have a wonderful day!
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